Site officiel d’Inspire Metz,
Agence d'attractivité de l'Eurométropole de Metz
The Mix, 4 borders MICE* trade fair

The Mix, 4 borders MICE* trade fair

Wednesday 07 September 2022

The Mix, the first cross-border trade fair for professional events in Metz

Metz Evénèments in partnership with the agency Inspire Metz have created the trade fair The Mix, a new annual rendezvous for the MICE sector (*Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, Exhibitions). In other words: all of the evets organised by professionals, for professionals (seminars, conferences, congresses, team building etc.).

The first edition will take place at Metz Congrès Robert Schuman the 14th and 15th June 2023. This unique occasion will promote events organised in the 4 bordering countries (the Grand Région and the Sarre (Germany), Luxembourg and Wallonia) to events professionals from companies, agencies, and associations in France and in Europe.

During 48 hours, top decision-makers and professionals can discover the rich event offer of 4 destinations, organise their up-coming events and meet all of the necessary suppliers (reception venues, events agencies, caterers, technical service providers etc.). These meetings can be planned ahead thanks to a dedicated internet platform.
The new 4 borders MICE* trade fair highlights concrete CSR commitments.

The Mix in numbers:
- 200 top decision-makers selected in France and Europe
- 150 exhibitors
- Wednesday 14th and Thursday 15th June 2023, 10 am – 6 pm

Contact :
Pierre-Jean GUERRA
03 87 16 96 85 /


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